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We provide Tax services business need.

Our Business Property Tax services are designed to help your company receive the best results possible with excellent service.

Our main services:

  1. Business (Personal) Property Tax Compliance — Business Personal Property is an area of expertise for our company, and many of our clients have us perform personal property tax compliance filings for them in an outsourced model for their tax departments.    With our over 25+ years of expertise in Personal Property tax compliance and our up to date knowledge with the US State and Local jurisdiction tax changes, we are able to help our clients understand and leverage tax codes, meet the 100+ filing jurisdiction deadlines, assist clients with budgeting for tax bills, review and pay tax bills, and perform comparison analysis to make sure we are maximizing tax savings.
  2. Business Property Audit Services – Companies with headquarters or offices in California know that Property Tax Audits happen on average every four years in most jurisdictions.    For our clients, we handle the heavy lifting for these audits; including audit requirements & reconciliations, audit paperwork & binder preparation, correspondence & auditor meetings,  representing our clients during the on-site audit, and representation with any audit issues, audit discrepancies and/or audit disputes.   With multiple clients in many jurisdictions, our team is up to date on recent changes and current issues that auditors may be looking at for — and we are able to save our clients time and money getting issues resolved quickly.
  3. Business Property Tax Appeals — Whether our clients have received unexpected assessment increases, change of ownership assessments,  supplemental tax bills, or received late notices or excessive business filing penalties, our team represents our clients from the onset.    Having multiple year relationships with many assessors, we can quickly help our clients by getting to the issue, filling appeal paperwork, applying our expertise and understanding of the local tax laws, review and collect relevant evidence, and represent our clients in hearings or arbitration to get your company a reasonable reduction or outcome.
  4. Business Property Tax Consulting — We also provide advisory and planning consulting services for many of our clients, whether small and rapidly growing, adding data centers, mergers and acquisitions, changing from public to private ownership, expansion by leasing or purchasing new property & buildings, or significant building renovations or improvements.    Our advisory leaders review and offer recommendations to our clients to help them plan and save significant tax dollars — before, during and after the changes your company is going through.

For more information on any of our services, please feel free contact us by filling out a form on our site, by sending an email (information@ptax.com) or call us to speak to a live person at (408) 369-1212.